End of the Fall 2020 Semester

All classes online this semester. A new normal? We’ll continue ‘virtually’ next semester. Classes went well. Student resilience is remarkable. Besides my regular ‘Comparative Government & Politics’ classes, I developed and taught an interactive, interdisciplinary course on ‘Science, Technology, and Society’: this weekly three hour seminar style class included of lectures, team work, and many talks by visiting faculty. A challenge and an achievement in one!

Back to School – Fall 2020

So, as Bentley reopens, my classes will be online only – synchronously. Two sections of GLS102 Comparative Government & Politics and an experimental class: GLS298 Science, Technology, and Society offered under the broader umbrella of ‘Business and Society’ and with the help of more than ten guest speakers, other faculty from Bentley. Though circumstances are challenging, I look forward to the new semester. And I’m well set up in my home ‘studio’!

and so we moved online

The COVID-19 crisis is a truly global pandemic, that requires a global response. My classes in Comparative Government and Globalization have gone online, as so many other classes. Technology is the support of this remarkable and complete move to physical distancing and remote contact

#Stonewall50 @BentleyU

We are organizing a series of events on campus under the #Stonewall50 umbrella. I am proud of the posters made by IDCC STUDIOHOUSE / Megan Nadeau to illustrate Bentley’s complicated LGBTQ history.

End of Semester – Spring 2019

Concluding the semester already. Nice groups, hard work, good quality!

TEDx at BentleyU

After months of preparation, Bentley University students held the 2019 TEDx Conference on April 7, 2019. All the hard work paid off. The ‘Limitless’ conference was a huge success: students, alumni, faculty, and external speakers brought a tremendously engaging and inspiring range of talks to the audience. I can’t be more proud of the team, sponsored by many, including the Valente Center for Arts & Sciences. Advising this team was effortless: their enthusiasm and professionalism needed hardly any guidance.



Last Classes Fall 2018

The end of the semester already!