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Bentley University – Full Time Position

I have been offered, and have gladly accepted, a full time lecturer position at Bentley University in Waltham MA. I am very pleased with that. I’ll teach Comparative Politics and Globalization in Fall 2014. It means that, after eight years, I’ll leave Northeastern University. Quite a decision, yet I look forward to joining the faculty at Bentley’s Global Studies Department.

Spring 2014

This semester I teach two introductory undergraduate classes at Bentley University (Comparative Politics & International Relations) and a graduate class in Environmental Policy & Politics at Northeastern University. In addition, I continue to oversee the Political Science Internship Program at Northeastern University. I am pleased with the variety of all this!

S.Net Conference at Northeastern University

Next week I’ll present an article at the 5th annual conference of the Society of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, this year conveniently held at Northeastern University.

My article is based on research I did on the regulation of manufactured nano materials.

Multi-level Governance: The Regulation of Manufactured Nanomaterials in the Netherlands.[1]

please fine a draft: NL MNM Regulatory case

[1] Research supporting this paper is provided by a National Science Foundation Nanotechnology Interdisciplinary Research Team award, “Nanotechnology in the Public Interest: Regulatory Challenges, Capacity, and Policy Recommendations” (SES #0609078).

European Campus Weeks at Northeastern University 2013 – 2014

Natalie Bormann and I are organizing another installment of the European Campus Week sponsored by the German Embassy in Washington D.C.. Last year the winner of Northeastern’s  essay competition also won the national competition.

This year we’ll have a range of events. Take a look at the website I made:




Spring 2014

While the semester has just started, I already need to pitch courses for next semester. I am in the running to teach a graduate course in Science, Technology, and Public Policy at Northeastern University. I will continue overseeing the Political Science internship program there. I hope to continue teaching Comparative Politics at Bentley University, as I like teaching there this semester a lot. And I just interviewed for an adjunct position at Regis College to teach Technology, Society, and Environment. I already received an offer.

With so much news on international affairs, my classes both at Bentley and at Northeastern start with wide ranging discussions. It is such a pleasure to talk about the news as part of your work. At times it keeps us almost from discussing the theoretical frameworks that might help explain what’s going in the world.