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Bentley University Delegation at the Model Arab League November 2015

Together with my colleague Asbed Kotchikian I prepared a delegation of Bentley University students to represent the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at this year’s Northeastern Model Arab League Conference, held at my (most recent) alma mater Northeastern University here in Boston, Massachusetts from November 6 to 8. It was the first time in over ten years that Bentley students participated. After an initial acute need to adapt to the strict procedures of the conference, our content-driven preparation paid off. It was a pleasure to see our nine students participate in debates, motion writing, and socializing among their own delegation and the others. Two of our students were recognized for the ‘outstanding’ contributions.

#EndOfSemester Spring 2015

A swift spring semester concluded already!

Bentley Learning & Teaching Council

I have just been invited to take a seat in the new Bentley University Learning & Teaching Council.  I am honored and glad to be offered this opportunity. The Learning & Teaching Council is a new initiative to foster the quality of teaching and learning at our university.

Election Model Experiment

In my Comparative Government and Politics classes I did a small experiment in order to bring across how different electoral systems may lead to different outcomes, for instance when comparing votes cast in a ‘single member district’ system or a system of proportional representation. We learned quite a few things, among other the importance of campaigning: adding the picture of the puppy doubled the votes for the animal rights party!

Slide1 GLS102 election experiment results

Diversity in the Classroom

Last week I participated in a two day seminar on diversity in the classroom at Bentley University. I enjoyed the pedagogical instruction, the range of speakers, and the exchange with fellow faculty. A valuable experience and a good start of the new semester.

Fall 2014 Semester Classes

Exhibition on the Berlin Wall at Bentley University

Recently I organized a series of events at Bentley University to commemorate the Fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago. The main part was an exhibition that consisted of two parts: the projection of a ‘Virtual Wall’ (2008) by Tamiko Thiel and Teresa Reuter. The Virtual Wall is an interactive display of the Berlin Wall. In addition the exhibition displayed a series of original 1989 pictures by various photographers taken in Berlin during the days of the fall of the wall. The exhibition was opened by the German Consul General in Boston Herr Rolf Schuette.

For more information, see the website:



Asking the President of Chile – Ms. Bachelet

My classes had the opportunity to ask the President of Chile some questions by way of an intermediate, who was guest at a lunch attended by Ms. Bachelet in the wake of the General Assembly of the United Nations on September. We posed for pictures support our questions.

Our GLS 101 class on Globalization asked:

‘Do you consider ever growing international economic and financial connections an opportunity for or a challenge to Chile’s political and economic structure?’

Her Excellency Answers:” Clearly an Opportunity! Strong Pacific Alliance, Excellent Trade Platform, which might lead to further democratic reform in the region. I see Chile as a bridge to and a port for other countries.”

Our GLS 102 class on Comparative Government and Politics asked:

‘What do you regard the most important factors that have added to Chile’s political stability and economic progress since 1990 vis-à-vis other countries in South America?’

Her Excellency Answers: “Open Economy, Free Trade, Credible Politics, Reforms, Energy Calendar.”

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